The Pharaoh Agenda

| Differentiate the elites of nations |

The intentions of the Pharao-Masonic Elite

The world's elites follow a cult that is distinct from the Abrahamic religions and aligns with the occult traditions of ancient Egypt. This belief system has, throughout history, sought to eliminate prophets after acknowledging the truth of their words. By walking the path of the prophets' opponents, the leaders position themselves as enemies of authentic religion. Therefore, nations and peoples are merely pawns in service of their ultimate goal, which is to prepare the field for the coming of the Dajjal (the Deceiver), following the predictions of the prophetic texts by default.

Israel plays a central role in this process, where the exclusive presence of the Jewish people and the restoration of ancient borders according to the Old Testament are prophetic prerequisites. The tragedy of the Second World War and the establishment of the State of Israel were orchestrated steps towards this goal. Today, this dynamic continues with efforts to expand Israeli territories, a situation in which, after the Jews, the Palestinians are now also being sacrificed in the process.

Thus, the conflict in the Middle East is not bound to Israel, Palestine, the United States, or any other nation; nor is it based on differences between Jews, Christians, or Muslims. It is actually orchestrated by an invisible government that hovers over the nations and directs the course of nations towards the intended goal.

The symbols present in state institutions reveal to those who know how to read them the commitment of nations to this axis. If you want to learn more, we invite you to consult the study of the signs associated with code 9, which relates to Switzerland, a key element of this sinister alliance.

Ethnic cleansing to fulfill a prophecy

In order to fulfill the prophecy of the reconquest of the lands of Israel, the Pharao-Masonic axis has intensified war crimes against Palestine in recent weeks. By indiscriminately bombing the population of Gaza, massacring thousands of children and women, blocking access to aid and care, and reducing the entire urban fabric to nothing, it is not 'a targeted military action in question, but indeed a total devastation of this territory.

The continuation of colonization in the West Bank and the killing of hundreds of civilians in an area not controlled by Hamas also prove that the fight against terrorism is only a pretext to accelerate the colonization process and to exterminate the Palestinian people.

In this context, it is important to mention that
Mr. Netanyahu addressed the Jewish people by saying, "Israel will fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah [Chapter 60]", a text that aims to restore the borders described in the Old Testament.

Thus, following the gradual ethnic cleansing through colonization, a final solution is again on the agenda. And of course, the nations remain silent, bound by their allegiance to the satanic sect.

The minions of the occult system

At the end of October, the lawyer Nili Kupfer-Naouri, president of the association "Israel is Forever" and member of Likud, supported genocide by legitimizing deadly attacks on the Palestinian population. With her statement that there are "no innocent civilians in Gaza", she justified the killing of thousands of children.

The statements of sociopathic commentators are unfortunately a sad reflection of the rationalizations used to defend the indefensible. It must also be emphasized that personalities like Ms. Nili Kupfer-Naouri are often just ignorant puppets in the hands of the occult system, instrumentalized to advance the respective agenda, without grasping the true objectives they actually serve.

Ultimately, everything boils down to a game of rhetoric aimed at influencing public opinion, with the tacit complicity of those entities that claim to defend human rights, while in reality being the furthest from them.

Annihilation first, answers later

As many Israelis wonder how Hamas could breach a highly secured barrier and why the Israeli army was not present on October 7, 2023, Mr. Netanyahu stated: "There will be an investigation into this matter, and everyone will have to answer the questions asked, including myself, but this will only take place after the war."

This statement should prompt reflection in anyone who still believes that the events were not planned, that the war was not foreseen, and that the leading elite of Hamas, living in luxury in Qatar, is not a tool of the contemporary Pharaohs.

To justify an offensive aimed at the annihilation of Palestine, a significant event was necessary. And this event was staged.

Moreover, it is of utmost importance to remember that Islam explicitly forbids the killing of women, children, and the elderly, thereby establishing an ethic that preserves the lives of non-combatants and particularly vulnerable people. In this context, how could such crimes be committed by true Muslims?

"During one of the campaigns of the Messenger of Allah (sws), a dead woman was found, after which he forbade the killing of women and children." (Hadith Bukhari 3015)

The Resilience of true believers

Faced with the unreason of the leaders of this world, the Muslim people find their strength and resilience in their deep faith. With the conviction and peace bestowed upon them by Allah, they are able to endure the brutalities inflicted upon them.

Believers know that no event occurs without Allah's permission. With this certainty, they face challenges with patience and resilience. And while the Quran teaches that forgiveness is the noblest of virtues, we forgive the occult elites who spread evil. With their darkened hearts and their hatred for humanity, they ultimately only harm themselves, without being aware of it.

Thus, while the Pharao-Masonic axis continues to prepare the ground for Dajjal's arrival through deceit and brutality,  we understand that life is only a test and that the true believer is the one from whose tongue and hand humanity has nothing to fear.

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